90+ Happy Birthday Wishes Simple Text (2025) Quotes in One Line

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simple birthday wishes for friend

    • Happy Birthday my friend. May God always give you ease in carrying out all your affairs and always be a better person than before.

wishing you a very happy birthday

Happy Birthday Wishes With Name and Photo

    • And noble friend, may it be the dream of women and inspiration of men. A treat is waiting for you to hang out, don’t forget! Happy birthday, friend!

happy birthday wishes simple text

Birthday Wishes Simple text

    • Happy Birthday my friend. May God always give you ease in carrying out all your affairs and always be a better person than before. Amen.

happy birthday wishes simple

    • Happy birthday sisters! Thank you for being the kindest and most patient place to vent. We are hard together, happy together, successful together huh! Enjoy today, may God always bless you in every way. Amen.

good wishes for birthday

    • Happy birthday to my best friend who even though he is cool but kind. Hopefully in this new age you will be more mature and growing. Always success!


    • Even so, the moment of getting older can also be a material for contemplation because the rations of life are reduced.

how to wish birthday to friend

    • However, in general, birthdays are definitely a happy and memorable moment. Especially if you get a happy birthday from your closest, beloved, and beloved person.

birthday wishes quotes in english

    • Because birthday greetings are usually full of prayers, hopes and outpourings of heart. There are various styles of birthday greetings, ranging from formal, funny to eccentric.

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    • Then there are also birthday wishes in various languages. Starting from Indonesian, English, to regional languages.

simple birthday wishes quotes

    • In addition, there are simple and short birthday wishes. Even though it’s short, it’s still cool and has a complete and deep meaning.

birthday msg for friend

    • To my dear son, happy birthday. May you be the proud son of your mother and father always.

simple happy birthday wishes

    • Honey, I hope you like these short, but meaningful birthday wishes. Happy birthday, honey.

one line birthday wishes

    • Congratulations on the new age. May you remain strong, patient, and steadfast in life.”

birthday wishes copy paste

    • Happy birthday, friend. All the best wishes and prayers for your future.

short birthday wishes for friend

    • My best wishes to you friend on your birthday. Just a short, but meaningful happy birthday this is all I can say.

happy birthday wishes line

    • Congratulations on the new age, pal. My best wishes for you.

best line for birthday wishes

    • Happy birthday, my husband. Just a short, but meaningful birthday wish this is all I can say.

lines for birthday wishes

    • Happy birthday to you, my dear mother. Be patient and keep the spirit, ma’am.

happy birthday short wishes

    • Happy Birthday darling. Live long and be happy always.

happy birthday wishes text

    • Happy Birthday my friend! From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy birthday. Thank you for the time you devote to making me happy every day.

how to wish birthday for friend

    • Happy birthday! You are the best friend who makes me more alive and feel happy. Thank you for the time you have devoted to me so far.

happy birthday simple wishes

    • Happy birthday my best friend! Besides myself, you are the best person who always accompanies the days of joy and sorrow. Forever I wish you to be my best friend.

short happy birthday wishes

    • Happy birthday! The days that pass are colorful when you are with them. It seems that God has destined us to live together.

happy. birthday wishes

    • Today feels so special, not because of the party, but because the birthday is my best friend. Happy birthday!

short and sweet birthday wishes

    • Time went by so fast. On this special day I wish a happy birthday to my best friend who I will never forget. The days with you really make me lose track of time because I’m too happy.

simple birthday wishes for best friend

    • I am sending you a happy birthday. It’s a shame that I can’t celebrate with you personally today and toast you. But we will make up for that.

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    • I am sending you my best birthday wishes from afar, you do not even know how much I would like to be with you now.

happy birthday wish line

    • Happy Birthday dear birthday child! Now you are a year older again, so I wish you stay healthy and cheerful.

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    • For my birthday party, I wish the most beautiful the most beautiful, the best the best.

lines on happy birthday

    • I wish you all the best for your birthday from the bottom of my heart and always remember: The really beautiful things in life are free – hugs, smiles, family, friends and of course love.

happy birthday wishes text msg

    • May the new year bring you happiness, health and many beautiful moments!

friend birthday wishes text

    • From afar, I am sending you all the best for your birthday. I wish you a new year of life full of beautiful moments, great friends by your side and success in everything you tackle.

some lines for birthday wishes

    • We wish you a wonderful birthday. We think of you and hope to see each other again soon.

short birthday wishes for best friend

    • We only wish you the best. Have a wonderful day and a great party with all your friends.

birth day msg for friend

    • I’m a whole year older this month than I was twelve months ago.

birthday wishes one liner

    • Even if you get old and hideous, I hope that you understand that you are never wrong alone! Happy Birthday!

one word birthday wishes simple text

    • What you can uncork today, don’t postpone it until tomorrow! Bottom up!

happy birthday simple quotes

    • One year older, don’t be mad. You just get more mature, more interesting, and always smarter.

Preschool birthday Party

line for birthday wishes simple text

birthday wishes simple text lines

happy birthday wishes simple text short quotes