Sunny Bunnies Birthday Cakes – Sunny Bunnies is a children’s animated television program that was created by Digital Light Studio (for the first six seasons and a portion of the seventh) and is presently being produced by Animation Café (from season seven on). On December 6, 2015, Disney Channel in Russia broadcast the world premiere. Presently, Sunny Bunnies is televised in more than 160 nations worldwide. A WildBrain-run YouTube channel started posting episodes and other videos with English text in April 2016.
When there is light, five radiating balls of light known as The Sunny Bunnies can emerge everywhere. They spread joy and enjoyment wherever they go, whether it is in the light of day or the moon. But each time they show up, their activities become a playful trick. Sometimes it’s too naughty. Sunny Bunnies show up in a new setting in every episode, including a circus, a stadium, a park, and a stage. They instantly begin to look around them, and that’s when the fun and mayhem start! Bloopers are included at the very end of every episode, which keeps the hilarity going. In this post I have found more than fifty Sunny Bunnies birthday cake ideas and designs:
Sunny Bunnies Birthday Cakes
1. Our first Sunny Bunnies birthday cake is a cool light blue color and it gives a cheerful vibe. There are edible figures of Iris, Big Boo, Hopper, Turbo and Shiny.
2. Your two-year-old birthday kid will like this pink theme Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has several features with incredible detail.
Also Read: Kirby Birthday Cakes
3. Two tiers of absolute excellence are what this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake is all about. The lucky three-year-old birthday kid will appreciate this cake.
4. Another very impressive Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has some great edible features on it. I quite like the sun figure on the front of the cake.
5. For your three-year-old birthday kid this is an awesome and flurry Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has super tasty and colorful confetti pieces at the bottom beside the cake.
6. An all-white Sunny Bunnies birthday cake is also a great option and the white ganache at the bottom of the cake has an irresistible taste.
7. A lucky four-year-old birthday kid will enjoy this excellent Sunny Bunnies birthday cake as it has many great and incredibly detailed features.
8. This Sunny Bunny birthday cake is excellent for a lucky two-year-old birthday kid and it does a great job of leaving an unforgettable taste and impression.
9. Who knew you could have the Sunny Bunny characters themselves as a birthday treat? I also like the cute tiny edible stars and it is an imaginative birthday delight for your one-year-old birthday baby.
10. This is a great Sunny Bunnies birthday cake for your two-year-old birthday baby that has a soft light blue base as well as cute edible figures of the Sunny Bunnies characters.
11. A very lucky three-year-old birthday kid will like the pale pink soft base of this Sunny Bunny’s birthday cake and I quite like how colorfully the name is displayed above the cake.
12. For your four-year-old birthday kid this is an excellent Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has a really impressive edible rainbow figure with tiny white stars on it.
13. The many colored circles on the side of this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake are extraordinary and will make a great impression on your birthday kid.
14. For your two-year-old birthday kid this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake is an excellent option and the purple ganache is not only super tasty but also brings the cake out and makes it stand out.
15. A one-year-old birthday kid will appreciate this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake as it has a soft light blue base that is smooth plus I also like the pink 1 figure on the front of the cake.
16. This is quite an elegant Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has beautiful edible flowers on it. It is just the right size and will leave an everlasting impression.
17. This Sunny Bunny’s birthday cake is a work of art. It has several great color combinations, cute edible flowers, and even an edible Gray Wolf figure on the left side. Amazing!
18. For your six-year-old birthday kid this is a vivid and energetic Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that will bring life to the party and impress everyone.
19. Hopper is the star of this legendary Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has an impeccable light blue base with super cute edible cloud figures on the side of the cake.
20. A Sunny Bunnies birthday cake and cupcakes? Wow, now that is a generous combination that will be an amazing treat for your birthday kid.
21. This is an impressive Sunny Bunnies birthday cake for a lucky one-year-old birthday baby that has a soft rainbow base with pale colors. An interesting design I must say.
22. Wow what an extraordinary five-figure-shaped birthday cake for the Sunny Bunnies series. It is an awesome cake and your birthday kid will love it.
23. Another great and awesome Sunny Bunnies birthday cake for a lucky two-year-old birthday kid that speaks excellence and it will be an unforgettable treat.
24. A 1 shape figure for the lucky one-year-old baby boy is incredible and the flurry texture is an excellent taste. Enjoy this wonderful treat.
25. The soft and smooth light blue base of this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake is superb and will be a wonderful treat for your birthday kid.
26. Wow you could have a Sunny Bunnies birthday cake with delicious edible red hearts on it. A truly inspiring and dreamy cake for a lucky birthday kid.
27. Wow this could be the most incredible Sunny Bunnies birthday cake I’ve seen thus far. The flurry texture stands out and it is an impossibly excellent cake. If your birthday kid loves Big Boo then this cake will be an excellent decision and no doubt about it.
28. A chocolate birthday cake for Sunny Bunnies is delicious and wonderful. The contrasting colors of the Sunny Bunnies figures and chocolate cake make the treat stand out.
29. The flurry and green edible grass on top of the cake is beautiful and I also like the color combination on the base of the cake.
30. This is a very lovely birthday cake for a lucky one-year-old baby girl. I like the pale rainbow colors of the cake, the sprinkles, and the yellow 1 shape figure at the top.
31. Look at the cute edible cloud figures on this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake. It is a truly wonderful spectacle and the edible figures are finely detailed.
32. This is a dreamy and wonderful Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that is captivating and captures the attention. The tiny edible flowers are also a great touch.
33. For a two-year-old birthday boy this is a superb Sunny Bunnies cake that has two tiers of a smooth light blue texture. An awesome cake overall.
34. Another superb Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that will truly please your lucky birthday kid. I like the tasty edible flowers at the bottom of the cake.
35. For a very lucky three-year-old birthday girl this is an excellent cake that has super tasty sprinkles and multiple layers of fluffy and colorful ganache.
36. For a one-year-old birthday boy this Sunny Bunnies birthday cake has many wonderful features and it is an inspiring cake overall. Enjoy.
37. A one-year-old birthday baby will like the excellent rainbow figure on the top of this cake. The edible Big Boo figure at the bottom is also quite cute.
38. Wow if Turbo is your five-year-old birthday kid’s favourite character then this is a truly awesome cake. The details are impeccable and the tiny stars are fantastic.
39. This is a very sparkly and glamorous blue birthday cake for the Sunny Bunnies series. For a one-year-old birthday kid, it is truly an awesome treat.
40. For a four-year-old birthday girl this is a beautiful and jaw-dropping cake. It is magnificent and the pink base looks delicious.
41. This is another extraordinary Sunny Bunnies birthday cake and there are even cake pops and two delicious cupcakes included with the cake.
42. For your lucky eight-year-old birthday kid this is a really impressive Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has a neat pink base as well as tasty edible flowers.
43. Now this is a really impressive Sunny Bunnies birthday cake. The details are incredible, the bow tie wrap looks cute and the red lettering is super tasty.
44. Could you mix Peppa Pig and Sunny Bunnies into one birthday cake? Yes, it is true and this cake proves it with a very delicious vanilla base. Not to mention the irresistible and edible Hopper and Big Boo figures.
45. Wow now this is a glossy and wonderful Sunny Bunnies birthday cake indeed. I quite like the edible cloud figures and it is a great cake overall for a lucky three-year-old birthday kid.
46. Three delicious and excellent cupcakes are just the right treat for your birthday kid. It is a wonderful delight and I would recommend it.
46. A super delicious Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that has flurry green grass at the top. The rainbow base is excellent and very tasty.
47. What a stunning Sunny Bunnies birthday cake for a lucky two-year-old birthday kid. The edible sun figure at the front of the cake is amazing and I like it.
48. This is quite the excellent Sunny Bunnies birthday cake. There are several incredible features with amazing details on them. All the characters look fantastic.
49. For a lucky one-year-old birthday girl this is an awesome Sunny Bunnies birthday cake that gives off a pleasant vibe and has harmonious colors. I also like the yellow star and moon figures.
50. All five Sunny Bunnies characters are lined up neatly and this is both a unique and generous treat for a lucky birthday kid. It is very impressive overall.
51. To finish off we have a glitzy and starry Sunny Bunnies birthday cake for a lucky two-year-old birthday kid that is inspiring and dreamy. A truly wonderful cake indeed.
So which Funny Bunnies birthday cake did you like the most in this post? It is hard to tell as all the cakes are quite impressive but I thought number twenty-seven stands out.