120+ Irish Birthday Blessings (2025) Bday Toast, Wishes & Quotes

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  • Accept the number of your years with kindness
    and return your youth with grace when it ends.
  • irish happy birthday

    Happy Birthday Wishes for Sister in Hindi

  • Peace should always surround you,
    Love rise before you.
    Meekness brush your lips,
    a helper hand to grasp.
    Bloom like cherry trees
    just live your dreams!
  • irish birthday wishes

  • May your gift grow with the years. God gave them to you and they should fill the hearts of those you love with joy. And in every hour of joy and sorrow God will be with you, bless you; you may stay close to him.
  • irish birthday blessing

  • May the road rush towards you
    May the wind always be on your back.
    May the sun shine warm on your face
    and the rain will fall gently on your fields.
    And until we meet again
    God hold you in the peace of his hand.
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  • In your heart, may the certainty dwell that a rainbow shines after every storm.
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  • May the new year only have good days for you.
    May this house and all who live in it
    be blessed with God’s love in the new year.
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  • I wish you that you are happy every day from morning to evening and may you always be lucky and have a song in your heart.
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  • The cloud may give way to the sun
    Your smile will be like an angel.
    The eyes should see truth
    love stand in the middle.
    Formulate the wishes clearly,
    good luck in the new year of life!
  • happy birthday in gaelic

  • God keep you happy and healthy and give love and peace to your neighbors, and when the time on earth comes to an end, God bring you to the royal house of heaven.
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  • For my birthday I wish a blessing,
    and also from time to time rain.
    Seeds that you planted,
    will bear fruit overnight.
    Even more if you dwell in the heart
    and share your treasure with others.
  • happy birthday in irish

  • I wish you to be spared
    of the need and all the suffering.
    Because your pain – it should give way now,
    let me shake hands with you.
    With dreams, hope, serenity,
    Soul healing is not far away.
  • irish quotes about friendship

  • For my birthday I wish a blessing,
    and also from time to time rain.
    Seeds that you planted,
    will bear fruit overnight.
    Even more if you dwell in the heart
    and share your treasure with others.
  • irish birthday toast

  • I don’t give any money for my birthday
    I wish you the happiness of the world.
    Also may life teach you
    what values ​​are that resist forever.
    You should be your best friend to yourself
    and smile gently and delicately every day.
  • irish new year blessing

  • Take your time for silent miracles
    the noisy world seems too far
    to find admirers there.
    -Fast life makes them wane.
    Therefore you stop miracles
    small and quiet, but more profound.
  • irish sayings and blessings

  • May your birthday
    love be superficial.
    Flowers should bloom for you
    and entire streams of lava glow.
    Rain may refresh the mind,
    Angel wings wipe tears.
  • funny irish blessings

    happy birthday gaelic

  • The wind should be in your back,
    and cuddle up to you with gentleness.
    Kindness be your companion,
    Your mind spontaneous and cheerful.
  • funny irish blessings

  • The star rays in the night
    is what makes the soul happy.
    A light should always shine for you,
    that leads you to confidence.
  • happy birthday gaelic

  • May there be an age of kids, on the offspring of your youngsters.
  • gaelic happy birthday

    • May fellowship, similar to wine, improve as time propels. What’s more, may we generally have old wine, old companions, and youthful considerations.

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    • May you taste the best joys that fortune ere gave, and may every one of your companions recall every one of the blessings you are owed.

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    • May God give you for each tempest, a rainbow. For at any point tear, a grin. For each care, a guarantee. What’s more, a gift in every preliminary. For each issue life might send, may he send a dependable companion. For each moan, a sweet melody. Also, a response for each supplication. Glad birthday!

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    • May your delights be just about as profound as the seas, your difficulties as light as it’s wander, and may you discover sweet true serenity, any place you meander. Cheerful birthday!

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    • May you walk tall through the daylight, may you never need for additional. May stress never be your help may the Irish heavenly messengers lay their wings on your entryway. Glad birthday!

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    • Here’s to wishing you the highest point of existence without a solitary tumble. The grins of life and not a solitary protest. The best of life and not a paw about it. The delight throughout everyday life and not a day without it. Glad Birthday!

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    • My Irish birthday wish to you is that the essence of each uplifting news and back of each awful news be towards you. Glad birthday!

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    • With satisfaction being a treat sweet, may life give you beyond what you can eat.

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    • May your pockets be weighty and heart be light. May best of luck seek after you every morning and night.

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    • God loves you and I accept that you ought to host an Irish birthday get-together, how about we go become inebriated! Glad birthday to you!

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    • I wish that you would have the hottest words on the coldest of nights, you merit that.

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    • I trust in fantasies, in cheerful endings, and that you will have your own. Cheerful Birthday

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    • May the Master keep you in His grasp and never close His clench hand excessively close.

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    • May you be a half-hour in paradise before Satan knows your dead.

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    • At the point when I remember my good fortune, I count you twice. May God favor you.

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    • May your difficulties be as not many and as far separated as my Grandma’s teeth.

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    • May you kick the bucket in bed at 95 years, shot by a desirous spouse.

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    • Wellbeing and long life to you,

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    • Land without lease to you,

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    • A kid each year to you,

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    • In the event that you can’t go to Paradise,

    irish birthday wish

    • May you pass on in Ireland.

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    • Wellbeing and long life to you,

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    • Your preferred lady to you,

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    • A kid each year to you, Land without lease to you,

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    • Also, may you pass on in Ireland.

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    • May the saddest day of your future be no more regrettable

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    • Then, at that point the most joyful day of your past.

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    • Wishing you a treasure and all the delight your heart can hold.

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    • May the most you wish for be the least you get.
    • May you get every one of your desires yet one so you generally have something to take a stab at.
    • In the event that God sends you down a stony way, may He give you solid shoes.
    • On this exceptional day I implore you live as long as you need and need not as long as you live, glad birthday.
    • For every petal on the shamrock, I bring a wish your direction, wishes of good wellbeing, karma and satisfaction during the current day and consistently, cheerful birthday my dear companion.
    • My desire for you today is that you have happiness as profound as the sea, and inconveniences as light as froth. Feel love as a profound feeling and discover harmony any place you wander. Glad birthday!
    • On this excellent day I wish you an existence without a solitary tumble, grins of existence without a solitary protest, the best throughout everyday life and not a paw about it, the delight of living and not a day without it, glad Birthday my dearest.
    • Best of luck will be a companion in whatever you do and inconveniences will consistently be an alien to you, cheerful birthday dear companion, may you live to appreciate simply the best things throughout everyday life.
    • May you walk tall through the daylight, may you never need for additional. May stress never be your life saver may the Irish holy messengers lay their wings on your entryway. Cheerful birthday!
    • My birthday wish for you this day is that as you develop more established, the specialists won’t ever procure a hammer out of you, glad birthday my dear companion.
    • May you have warm words on a virus evening, a full moon on a dim evening, and the street downhill right to your entryway.