happy married life wishes
best wishes for marriage
- True love never wears out. The more you give the more you have.
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- It is a pleasure to be able to witness this moment so unique in your lives. Know that I am rooting, heart and soul, for your love to be eternal and unshakeable.
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- May your marriage be filled with all the right ingredients: a lot of love, a dash of humor, a touch of romance and a spoonful of understanding. May your joy last forever. Congratulations!
happy marriage life wishes
- What could be more beautiful than two hearts becoming one, guided by the greatest feeling in the universe? Nothing! Congratulations on your union!
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- Getting married is like studying theatre. May there always be more comedy than melodrama.
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- My sister is the best in the whole world. I love you and wish you a very happy birthday with lots of love.
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- I send you all my best wishes and much love for us to celebrate together as before next year. Happy wedding anniversary to sister and brother-in-law.
marriage wishes for sister
- I wish you a happy wedding anniversary to your sister and brother-in-law on this wonderful occasion. Live Happily.
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- You deserve to be happy every day, brother-in-law, but especially today I’m rooting for love, success and joy to invade your heart. Have a wonderful birthday in your heart. Congratulations for another year of life!
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- I hope that this date will be etched in your memory forever and for the best reasons. I hope that the best smiles appear on your face and that new and dazzling sensations take over every moment of today.
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- Enjoy your day a lot! Enjoy this milestone in your life in style. Surround yourself with those who bring you good things and have fun. You are more than just a brother-in-law: you are a real friend. And I like you very much. Happy Birthday!
wish you a very happy married life
- Dear sister! You are the best couple. Wishing you and your brother-in-law a happy wedding anniversary.
caption for sister wedding
- You were always the best. You are a perfect sister and a perfect wife. Happy wedding anniversary, my dear.
best wishes for marriage life
- Give without asking. Take without owning. Share without asking. Hold without tying you up. This is love
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- Love is like bathing: the most important thing is to let yourself in. If you then keep it nice and warm, you can take it until you’re wrinkled.
happy married life wish
- The great happiness of love is to find rest in another heart.
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- Marriage works best when both partners remain a little unmarried.
congratulations happy married life
- When lightning is married to a lightning rod, marriages aren’t the worst.
caption for sister marriage
- Perhaps the bond that holds a marriage together is sometimes so incomprehensible to outsiders because it cannot be seen.
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- Finding joy in the joy of the other: That is the secret of happiness.
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- To experience the full value of happiness we need someone to share it with.
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- Love is always to find a way and not to give up.
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- The best thing about love is when two lives become one and a “we” emerges from “I” and “you”.
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- May you together write the most beautiful love story the world has ever heard of!
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- Enjoy your new life. Barakallahu lakum wa baraka alaikum.
congratulations for married life
- Happy new life for (bride’s name). Welcome to the ark of the household. May you become a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family.
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- Happy post-wedding days. Always be happy, my brother. May Allah swt always guide you and your partner to reach His love.
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- Enjoy your new life. May you become a sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah family.
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- Congratulations on getting married my brother, now you have become a priest who has a great trust and responsibility for your wife and your children in the future.
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Don’t forget to always be enthusiastic, be a great husband and loving father later. May Allah take care of you.
- Congratulations on getting married my brother, now you have become a priest who has a great trust and responsibility for your wife and your children in the future.
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- Happy new life, brother, may you always be the best angel for your beloved husband. Barakallahu lakum wa baraka alaikum
wedding wishes to sister
- Congratulations on your new life, brother, I hope you can become a loving priest and always bring your wife and children to His love.
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- Well, I was left .. cruel to you I became lonely left single alone. But I’m willing because you’re not alone anymore, yeay! For my dearest friend, always be happy.. I hope you can be a pious wife and a loving mother for your children in the future. Pray for me too quickly, hihihi..
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- The most beautiful worship is marriage. Sitting together, spending time together, feeding food, all these things are worship. May the happiness and blessings of Allah swt always be with you.
marriage wishes to sister
- Congratulations. Make this marriage intention a worship to follow the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. May Allah swt always make your journey easy.
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- Enjoy your new life. May Allah swt. bestows His gifts, cultivates gratitude for married life, and opens all doors of sustenance.
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- Alhamdulillah, happy with your marriage. May Allah swt. always bestows His grace for this marriage.
quotes for sister marriage
- Have a happy marriage, my friend. Congratulations on carrying out the new mandate as (husband/wife). Do it all for the pleasure of Him.
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- Happy marriage. May Allah swt. perfect your worship and perfect your happiness. May Allah swt. also always provide guidance in every decision you make.
wedding quotes for sister
- Alhamdulillah. Congratulations on your perfect marriage. May you be a harmonious couple, always blessed with blessings in layers, and smoothly navigate the household ark. And don’t forget, may you be blessed with pious and pious children to complete happiness. Amen.