21. A Two tier cake with Pigs, Ducks and sheep on it. The cake decoration is wonderfully done.
22. Its not necessary to use edible zoo animals as cake toppers. You can opt for Small Zoo animals figures for too.
23. A very detailed Farm animal birthday cake that have horse, pig and sheep as well.
24. A Two tier farm animal cake with beautiful horse and sheep.
25. I dont know from what this cake is made? Any idea?
26. A King size three tier cake with Zebra, lion, Giraffe and Elephant.
27. You too can have a simple cake in zebra print with a tree in the middle and all animals hanging around it.
28. This cake is surely perfect for a one year old kid. The Lion looks Delicious.
29. An Innovative idea would be to use tail of various animal figure as candle and place it over a simple cake.
30. There is a cake inside a cake in this picture. Several members of Rodent family are celebrating birthday of mia.