Ed, Edd n Eddy Birthday Cakes – Ed, Edd n Eddy is a show on Cartoon Network that aired from 1999 to 2009. The show revolves around three pre-adolescent boys known as the Eds (whose names are Ed, Edd, and Eddy), who hang around their fictional suburban neighborhood of Peach Creek.
The pair come up with scams to con their peers for cash, so they can buy themselves a handful of their favorite treat, jawbreakers. Their plans normally fail though, leaving them in predicaments and situations that always go haywire. The characters rarely leave the neighborhood and adults are never seen, except Eddy’s Brother in Ed, Edd n Eddy’s Big Picture Show. In this post, I have included more than twenty Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake ideas and designs:
Ed, Edd n Eddy Birthday Cakes
1. In this first extraordinary Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake for your twenty-one-year-old birthday recipient there is tasty white icing and edible figures of the three characters on top.
2. Another tasty and round Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake for your six-year-old birthday kid that has flat prints of the three characters on top.
Also Read: Johnny Bravo Birthday Cakes
3. The white ganache on the borders of this cake combined with the glossy flat print on top of the three characters is astounding.
4. This cool Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake has a tasty white ganache around its borders and non-edible transparent prints of several characters on top.
5. For your four-year-old birthday girl this is an excellent birthday cake that has three edible characters on top with great detail.
6. The pink ganache around this cake is super delicious and there is also an amazing flat print of the three characters on top of the cake.
7. Wow! this Ed, Edd n Eddy’s birthday cake has amazing edible sprinkles on top of the cake and super tasty white icing.
8. Your nine-year-old birthday kid will love this amazing Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake, especially with the edible Plank figure on the side.
9. The blue and red text on this Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake is made with a delicious ganache and it will amaze your birthday kid.
10. The blue ganache around this Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake is legendary and will be a mouth-watering taste for your birthday kid.
11. This light blue Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake is truly amazing and the three edible characters on top are an excellent touch.
12. Look at the impeccable design of this rectangle-shaped Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake for your birthday girl. The three edible figures on top are excellent.
13. This is a unique and original Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake that is mouth-watering to the last bite. Your birthday kid will love it.
14. This is an impressive three-tier Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake that is generously sized and has a tasty white ganache at its borders.
15. Look at this cool and retro birthday cake for your thirty-year-old birthday recipient that has Plank in the bottom right corner.
16. To finish off, these super tasty Ed, Edd n Eddy cupcakes have irresistible sprinkles and flat prints of several characters on top.
Which Ed, Edd n Eddy birthday cake or cupcake did you like the most in today’s post?