The Flintstones Birthday Cakes – “The Flintstones” was a Hanna-Barbera Production that originally aired on ABC-TV in prime time from 1960-1966. It was network television’s first animated series which there were 166 original episodes. The original opening sequence features Fred driving home from work, racing through the streets of Bedrock. Upon arriving home he runs his car into the garage, then goes in the house to sit down and watch TV (Not too dissimilar to the opening of “The Simpsons”).
The very first episode aired on September 30, 1960. Titled “The Flintstone Flyer” (P-2), it was the second Flintstones episode produced (after The Swimming Pool, P-1), but the first to air. Fred and Barney want to go bowling instead of being dragged to the opera by Wilma and Betty. Fred fakes sick and Barney flies them to the bowling alley in his hand-cranked helicopter! In this post I have included more than fifty Flintstones birthday cake ideas and designs:
The Flintstones Birthday Cakes
1. In this first Flintstones birthday cake for your two-year-old birthday girl is an exciting cake that has edible black triangles on the side.
2. This is an excellent two-tier birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday boy with a turquoise bottom layer and an orange upper layer.
Also Read: The Jetsons Birthday Cakes
3. This three-tier Flintstones birthday cake has a green bottom layer, blue middle tier, and purple upper tier.
4. This is an impressive two-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday boy with an orange upper layer and a green bottom layer.
5. A traditional and round-shaped Flintstones birthday cake featuring a flat print of Pebbles on top of the cake. There is also tasty green ganache.
6. An amazing two-tier birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid that has great features and it is the ideal treat.
7. This is a great two-tier Flintstones birthday cake that has tasty edible bone pieces on it. It is super delicious and an awesome treat.
8. This impressive Flintstones birthday cake has great Bamm-Bamm Rubble and Dino figures on top. They are a super addition to the cake.
9. A super delicious two-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday boy that has exceptional details.
10. This excellent Flintstones birthday cake has two tiers as well as many finely detailed features and figures on it.
11. An original and creative Flintstones birthday cake that has edible figures of all family members. The cake has great details.
12. A simple and exceptional Flintstones birthday cake that has delicious dark chocolate squares around the cake.
13. This legendary two-tier birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid is an excellent decision. It is decorated with amazing and edible bone pieces.
14. This Flintstones birthday cake has a lot to offer. There are so many great and edible features on it that will impress your birthday kid.
15. This is an impressive three-tier Flintstones birthday cake that includes many tasty edible features on it such as Dino.
16. Wow! This Flintstones birthday cake has a super tasty caramel crumble base. It is an awesome treat for your three-year-old birthday kid.
17. This delicious two-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid has impressive bone figures on it.
18. This is a traditional rectangle-shaped Flintstones birthday cake with tasty red ganache at its borders and a flat print of Pebbles on top.
19. This is an amazing Flintstones birthday cake with white chocolate squares on the side of the cake. A great treat for your birthday kid.
20. An impressive Pebbles two-tier birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid that has a cool and edible leopard print ribbon on it.
21. This awesome two-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday girl has an orange upper layer and a green bottom layer.
22. The edible Dino figure on the top of this orange Flintstones birthday cake with black triangles looks amazing and the details are excellent.
23. A traditional and rectangle-shaped Flintstones birthday cake with a flat print of the Flintstones family members printed on top.
24. What an extraordinary Flintstones birthday cake! The white ganache and multi-colored sprinkles are super delicious.
25. A cute Flintstones birthday cake of the family home. Edible figures of all the Flintstones family members are included.
26. This extraordinary Flintstones birthday cake features an orange upper layer and a red bottom layer. It is the best cake for your one-year-old birthday kid.
27. A three-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid is an exceptional treat. There are tasty and edible bone figures.
28. This three-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your three-year-old birthday kid is fantastic and has edible black triangles on the side.
29. The details on this original and unique Flintstones birthday cake have exceptional details. I like the edible family figures on it.
30. Another original and unique Flintstones birthday cake that has all the family members. It is exceptional and I like the purple color on it.
31. Wow what an excellent Flintstones birthday cake! It is large, flurry, and has a delicious light blue ganache at its borders.
32. Fred and Barney make an awesome duo at this legendary Flintstones birthday cake for your fifty-four-year-old birthday recipient.
33. For your one-year-old birthday kid this is a simple and delicious birthday cake. The pink texture has a strawberry sorbet flavor.
34. This is another awesome two-tier Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday cake that has two edible leopard ribbons.
35. This is an extraordinary Flintstones birthday cake that has two tiers and features a golden 1-shape figure on top for your one-year-old birthday kid.
36. There are two delicious tiers on this extraordinary Flintstones birthday cake that has a Pebbles Flintstone design on the front.
37. Wow! This legendary Flintstones birthday cake has two delicious tiers and comes with several super tasty Flintstones cupcakes.
38. The edible Dino figure on the side of this two-tier birthday cake is an excellent design and will make your one-year-old birthday kid happy.
39. Fred Flintstone is watching TV and there are also interesting edible figures on this white birthday cake. For example, there is Dino and a burger.
40. For your one-year-old birthday kid this is a legendary three-tier Flintstones birthday cake that has a super tasty Flintstones car on top.
41. This is a super awesome and interesting Flintstones birthday cake of Barney Rubble and his home. It is very tasty and original.
42. This two-tier Flintstones birthday cake has a tasty green ganache around the cake on two tiers and it is an excellent cake for your one-year-old kid.
43. This is a truly fancy and extraordinary Flintstones Pebbles-inspired birthday cake. It is just the right cake for the lucky birthday recipient.
44. A legendary and minimal Bamm-Bamm Rubble Flintstones birthday cake. I like the simple design and detailed figure on top.
45. This three-tier Flintstones birthday cake has an impressive Pebbles Flintstone figure on top as well as three awesome tiers for your one-year-old birthday kid.
46. Impressive details are what make a Flintstones birthday cake legendary. The bigger and edible bone figure at the top is excellent.
47. Impressive details are what make a Flintstones birthday cake legendary. The bigger and edible bone figure at the top is excellent.
48. This is an extraordinary two-tier Flintstones birthday cake that has an amazing edible and leopard print ribbon for your one-year-old birthday kid.
49. Another amazing Flintstones birthday cake with tasty and edible bone figures that are around the cake. This is the best cake for your birthday kid.
50. A super delicious and rectangle-shaped Flintstones birthday cake with a light blue ganache around its borders.
51. A super tasty Flintstones cupcake can never go wrong and is the ideal bite-sized treat for your birthday kid. There is a flat print on top of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm.
52. A simple and happy-go-lucky Flintstones birthday cake that has a tasty green ganache at the top borders. The base is light blue and orange.
53. This is a great and highly detailed Flintstones birthday cake with several edible figures. There are also tasty flower pieces at the bottom.
54. For your two-year-old birthday girl this is an excellent Flintstones birthday cake that has tasty edible black triangles on the side.
55. A traditional and rectangle-shaped Flintstones birthday cake with yellow ganache around its borders and a flat print of the family members on top.
56. For your one-year-old birthday kid this is a beautiful and tasty cake that has Pebbles drawn on top. The dark green circles are a nice touch to the cake.
57. For your birthday kid this is an excellent Flintstones birthday cake that has two tiers. The orange color gives a vivid touch to the cake.
58. This is a truly awesome Flintstones birthday cake that has three tiers. It is an excellent cake for your birthday kid.
59. For your one-year-old birthday kid this is a smaller and cute Flintstones birthday cake. The cake has a great light green color to it.
60. These five Flintstones cupcakes with Bamm Bamm prints on top of them are an excellent touch and they are a great treat for your birthday kid.
61. An original and truly inspiring Flintstones birthday cake that is shaped like Fred Flintstone. It is a truly excellent cake for your birthday kid.
62. Why not try another Flintstones birthday cake that is also shaped like Fred Flintstone? A different style could be just the right decision.
63. What a cool and interesting Bamm-Bamm Rubble birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid. It has truly great details.
64. Three tiers of excellence are just what your birthday kid needs. The edible blue ribbon is a great touch and it makes the cake look extraordinary.
65. This Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid has excellent details and there are so many edible features on it.
66. A unique leopard design Flintstones birthday cake that has two tiers. There is an excellent Pebbles figure on top and the cake is altogether amazing for your one-year-old birthday kid.
67. Wow! Four tiers of excellence on this Flintstones birthday cake are just what you need for your lucky birthday kid.
68. Another great Bamm Bamm Rubble Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid that has a super tasty white upper layer.
69. For your four-year-old birthday boy this is an excellent Flintstones birthday cake that has a tasty green base and several edible boulder pieces.
70. The Flintstone’s home is the birthday cake itself which is an extraordinary cake. All the edible figures on it are highly detailed.
71. Look at this awesome Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday boy. I like the purple Dino design of the bottom layer.
72. Six delicious Pebbles cupcakes are super cute and tasty. They are bite-sized and have a raspberry flavor which is an excellent decision.
73. The two tiers on this Flintstones birthday cake are highly detailed and it is a great cake for your birthday kid. The edible Bamm Bamm figure on top is amazing.
74. Look at this amazing Flintstones birthday cake for your fifty-year-old birthday recipient that has non-edible tree figures on top.
75. The generous size, white ganache, and several edible figures on this Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday boys are super amazing.
76. Two tiers that are generously sized and have a pleasant orange and black design are excellent. This cake will make your birthday kid happy.
77. What an awesome Flintstones birthday cake that has super great details! The base ground layer of the cake is also cool.
78. For your two-year-old birthday kid this is a simple Flintstones birthday cake that has a vivid orange color and tasty edible bone pieces.
79. What an amazing Flintstones birthday cake for your one-year-old birthday kid that has many colorful features.
80. I like this Flintstones birthday cake. The ganache on the borders looks tasty and the Bamm Bamm design at the top is excellent.
81. To finish off, this is a simple Flintstones birthday cake of the family home and the edible Fred figure standing in front is on point.
Which Flintstones birthday cake or cupcake did you like the most out of all of them?