Rick and Morty Birthday Cakes – Rick and Morty is the Emmy award-winning half-hour animated hit comedy series on Adult Swim (also popular on Netflix) that follows a sociopathic genius scientist who drags his inherently timid grandson on insanely dangerous adventures across the universe. The TV series started in 2013 and is still running with many viewers.
The show teaches you many life lessons such as living a bit and loving a lot more. Escape your usual range of familiarity, accomplish something insane, attempt new things, smile a ton, have some good times, and above all, let your loved ones know you care about them. Tell your folks you love them, embrace your kids, and try to stay in contact with your companions. Below I have included more than fifty Rick and Morty birthday cakes:
Rick and Morty Birthday Cakes
1. Our first Rick and Morty birthday cake is super extraordinary. Look at the details of the green goo dripping from the side of the cake!
2. Look at the excellent green ganache cream around the borders of the cake. Truly delicious and a great treat for your birthday kid.
Also Read: American Psycho Birthday Cakes
3. This next Rick and Morty birthday cake is covered with many interesting and edible objects such as dollar bills and Nutella.
4. Another great Rick and Morty birthday cake featuring Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith. The cake also has white sprinkles on top.
5. This is a legendary Rick and Morty birthday cake that has great details and looks awesome. I like the speech bubbles at the top of the cake.
6. Look at the two iconic Rick and Morty figures on the top of this birthday cake. It is a truly excellent cake for your birthday kid.
7. Similar to the previous cake, this also has cool and edible figures of Rick and Morty on top. The cake is a great treat for your birthday kid.
8. Look at this traditional and round-shaped birthday cake that has a very cool flat print of Rick and Morty on top. The blue ganache on the sides is delicious!
9. The details on this two-tier Rick and Morty birthday cake are spectacular and have vivid colors. This is for a very lucky birthday kid.
10. This Rick and Morty birthday cake has a green swirl on the top and is an excellent cake for your eighteen-year-old birthday recipient.
11. For your fifteen-year-old birthday kid this is an excellent birthday cake that features edible figures of Rick and Morty on the side of the cake.
12. Another splendid Rick and Morty birthday cake that is first-class. It is the ultimate birthday cake for your lucky birthday kid.
13. For those of you who like traditional birthday cake designs this is an excellent option that features a flat Rick and Morty print on top.
14. This is a very cute and simple Rick and Morty birthday cake that will be a truly delightful treat for your birthday kid.
15. Another impressive traditional and rectangle-shaped Rick and Morty birthday cake that has an irresistible green ganache on its sides.
16. Look at all the extraordinary features on this Rick and Morty birthday cake. It is a magnificent option for your birthday kid.
17. This is another impressive Rick and Morty birthday cake that has a cool green swirl on the top of the cake. It is a delightful treat for your birthday kid.
18. For your eighteen-year-old birthday recipient this is a fantastic birthday cake that has smooth and slick details.
19. Go for this all-out black Rick and Morty birthday cake for your thirteen-year-old birthday kid. It also has a cool green swirl on the top.
20. Again for a lucky thirteen-year-old this is a very impressive Rick and Morty birthday cake that has excellent details.
21. For your thirteen-year-old birthday kid this is a simple and excellent option that will be a delightful and delicious treat.
22. Another splendid Rick and Morty birthday cake that has two tiers. It is a great cake for your ten-year-old birthday kid.
23. This is a beautiful and super delicious Rick and Morty birthday cake that will be a very good cake for your birthday kid.
24. Nothing beats a simple design when it comes to Rick and Morty’s birthday cakes. Enjoy this cake with your birthday kid!
25. Another splendid and extraordinary Rick and Morty birthday cake. Look at the super delicious and irresistible green goo dripping from the side.
26. This black Rick and Morty birthday cake is super cool and will be a great treat for your birthday kid. It is also cute and smaller-sized.
27. Wow! This generous Rick and Morty birthday cake comes with four additional cupcakes that are super tasty. Enjoy!
28. A super cute Rick and Morty birthday cake for your twenty-one-year-old birthday recipient. Look at the anime-like figures!
29. Fans of the Rick and Morty series will love the slick design of this cake. It is truly spectacular and yet minimal at the same time.
30. Who knew you could have a Rick and Morty spaceship birthday cake design? This is original and could be the coolest cake ever!
31. Another cool and simple Rick and Morty birthday cake for your birthday kid. There is also a delicious blue ganache at the bottom of the cake.
32. Another cool and simple Rick and Morty birthday cake for your birthday kid. There is also a delicious blue ganache at the bottom of the cake.
33. A traditional and rectangle-shaped birthday cake with the iconic Rick and Morty design on the top of the cake. The tasty turquoise ganache is unmissable.
34. This smaller-sized Rick and Morty birthday cake is cute and irresistible. It is a lovely treat for your birthday kid.
35. This is an extraordinary Rick and Morty birthday cake. The dark chocolate pieces on the cake are mouth-watering.
36. A very cool and spectacular Rick and Morty birthday cake that has a super delicious blue and green ganache at the bottom of the cake.
37. You can always go for a simple, beautiful, and white Rick and Morty birthday cake such as this one. Perfect for your seven-year-old birthday kid.
38. Wow! Look at all the amazing characters that are featured on this extraordinary Rick and Morty birthday cake.
39. The giant heads on this Rick and Morty birthday cake make it a fantastic design and it will certainly capture the attention.
40. The icing design on the top of this Rick and Morty birthday cake is absolutely amazing and super tasty. A great cake indeed!
41. For a thirty-year-old birthday recipient this is an excellent cake decision. It has fine details and the colors look great.
42. Look at this simple Rick and Morty birthday cake. The topper is hand-painted gum paste which means it is super delicious!
43. A bigger and square-shaped Rick and Morty birthday cake with many tasty sprinkles is an awesome decision for your birthday kid.
44. Another extraordinary Rick and Morty birthday cake design that will please your birthday kid and make them smile.
45. This three-tier Rick and Morty birthday cake is generous and has amazing shiny features. It is a truly impressive cake.
46. This is another amazing Rick and Morty birthday cake that has several interesting and edible features on it. A great cake for your birthday kid!
47. A simple Rick and Morty birthday cake can go a long way and will be a delightful treat for your thirty-eight-year-old birthday recipient.
48. This is another interesting Rick and Morty birthday cake for your thirty-year-old that has a tasty green designed icing.
49. Go ahead with this cool and amazing Rick and Morty birthday cake that will capture the attention of the birthday party guests.
50. Another unique Rick and Morty birthday cake for your sixteen-year-old birthday kid that has an interesting black-themed design.
51. Why not go for a simple Rick and Morty drip cake? The taste will surely leave you pleasantly surprised and wishing for more.
52. Lastly we have this extraordinary and generous Rick and Morty birthday cake for your birthday boy that has an interesting shape.
So which Rick and Morty birthday cake did you like the most in today’s post?